November 19, 2021 BACWA Executive Board Meeting Agenda

BACWA Executive Board Meeting

Friday November 19, 2021 9am-1pm

To attend the meeting via Zoom or submit a comment please request access.

Agenda Item                    

ROLL CALL, INTRODUCTIONS, AND TELECONFERENCE ETIQUETTE                                                         



CONSIDERATION TO TAKE AGENDA ITEMS OUT OF ORDER                                                       

1             Resolution to continue teleconferencing Executive Board meetings (AB361)

CONSENT CALENDAR                                                 

2             September 17, 2021 BACWA Executive Board meeting minutes

3             October 13, 2021 Nutrient Strategy Team Meeting

4             September 2021 Treasurers Report


APPROVALS AND AUTHORIZATIONS                                                   

5             FY21 BACWA Annual Report

6             FY21 BACWA Audit Report

7             Approval: SFEI Phase 2 PFAS Contract



8             Discussion: PFAS In Sportfish Workshop

9             Discussion:  Nutrients

  1. Technical Work
  2. NMS Review Update – Mike Connor Presentation

BREAK (15min)                               

    1. Regulatory
    2. Debrief from Nutrient Discussion at Orinda meeting
    3. Russian River trading program – Sean McNeil presentation       Laguna Santa Rosa Trading Framework
    4. Governance Structure
    5. October 6, 2021 Planning Subcommittee meeting notes
    6. ii.November 3, 2021 Planning Subcommittee meeting notes

10           Discussion: BACWA Comments on AMR Tentative Order

11           Discussion: Review of Climate Change Survey results

12           Discussion: Planning for meeting with BAAQMD leadership



13           Discussion: Meeting Schedule 2022

14           Discussion: Annual Meeting Planning – venue and speakers

15           Informational: FY23 Budget planning and adoption schedule

16           Informational: BACC Update

17           Informational: Committee leadership appreciation

18           Discussion: Strategic Plan Proposed Update

19           Discussion: Guiding principles on funding for collaboratives



20           Committee Reports

21           Member highlights

22           Executive Director Report

23           Board Calendar and Action Items

24           Regulatory Program Manager Report

Other BACWA Representative Reports

  1. RMP Technical Committee Mary Lou Esparza, Yuyun Shang, Samantha Engelage
  2. RMP Steering Committee Karin North; Amanda Roa; Eric Dunlavey
  3. Summit Partners Lorien Fono; Lori Schectel
  4. ASC/SFEI Lorien Fono; Eileen White
  5. Nutrient Governance Steering Committee Eric Dunlavey; Eileen White; Lori Schectel

e.i  Nutrient Planning Subgroup  Eric Dunlavey

e.ii NMS Technical Workgroup    Eric Dunlavey

  1. SWRCB Nutrient SAG Lorien Fono
  2. NACWA Taskforce on Dental Amalgam Tim Potter
  3. BAIRWMP Cheryl Munoz; Florence Wedington
  4. NACWA Emerging Contaminants Karin North; Melody LaBella
  5. CASA State Legislative Committee Lori Schectel
  6. CASA Regulatory Workgroup Lorien Fono; Mary Cousins
  7. ReNUWIt Jackie Zipkin; Karin North
  8. ReNUWIt One Water Jackie Zipkin, Eric Hansen
  9. RMP Microplastics Liaison Artem Dyachenko
  10. Bay Area Regional Reliability Project Eileen White
  11. WateReuse Working Group Cheryl Munoz
  12. San Francisco Estuary Partnership Eileen White; Lorien Fono
  13. CPSC Policy Education Advisory Committee Colleen Henry
  14. California Ocean Protection Council Lorien Fono
  15. Countywide Water Reuse Master Plan Karin North, Pedro Hernandez
  16. CHARG – Coastal Hazards Adaptation Resiliency Group Jackie Zipkin
  17. California Water Quality Monitoring Council Lorien Fono


SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS                                    

NEXT MEETING                                             

The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for December 17, 2021


ADJOURNMENT                                             12:30 PM