January 19, 2024 BACWA Executive Board Meeting Agenda

BACWA Executive Board Meeting


Friday, January 19 2024 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM (PDT)


375 11th Street (Small Training Room 2nd Floor)

Oakland CA 94607

To attend the meeting via Zoom or submit a comment please request access.


Agenda Item     

ROLL CALL, INTRODUCTIONS, AND HYBRID MEETING ETIQUETTE                                                          

PUBLIC COMMENT                        Guidelines

CONSIDERATION TO TAKE AGENDA ITEMS OUT OF ORDER                                                                                     

CONSENT CALENDAR                   

1             December 15, 2023 BACWA Executive Board meeting minutes

2             December 15, 2023 BACWA NST Special Executive Board meeting minutes

3             November 2023 Treasurer’s Report


4             Approval: NMS Payment #2 for FY24, $800K

5             Approval: Approve CASA Air Toxics Passthrough up to $100K for FY24

6             Member Updates                                          


7             Presentation: Civic Edge Update

8             Discussion: POTW Bike tours       Central San “Go with the flow”

9             Discussion: Shorelines and Waterways sponsorship activities

10           Informational: PFAS Fact Scheet Update

11           Informational: CASA Air Toxics Update    link to Program Management RFQ

12           Informational: 2023 NPDES Compliance Letter   


13           Discussion: Establishment of Climate Change Community of Practice

14           Informational: Update on SCCWRP OAH Model Independent Review Panel               NWRI Project

15           Informational: Agenda for meeting with BAAQMD

16           Informational: Agenda for 2/29 meeting with BAAQMD EO

17           Discussion: Draft agenda for 1/30 Joint meeting with R2

18           Presentation: Update on EPA office priorities                                    


19           Discussion: Potential new PSB for contingency biosolids hauling.

20           Discussion: Launch discussion of annual meeting speakers

21           Discussion: Arleen Navarret Award Nomination form

22           Informational: BACC Update

23           Committee Reports

24           Executive Director Report

25           Board Calendar and Action Items

26           Regulatory Program Manager Report

27           Other BACWA Representative Reports

  1. RMP Technical Review Committee Samantha Engelage, Alicia Chakrabarti
  2. RMP Steering Committee Karin North; Amanda Roa; Eric Dunlavey
  3. Summit Partners Lorien Fono; Amit Mutsuddy
  4. ASC/SFEI Lorien Fono; Amit Mutsuddy; Lori Schectel
  5. Nutrient Governance Steering Committee Eric Dunlavey; alternates: Lori Schectel

e.i  Nutrient Planning Subgroup  Eric Dunlavey

  1. SWRCB Nutrient SAG Lorien Fono
  2. BAIRWMP Cheryl Munoz; Florence Wedington; Jackie Zipkin
  3. NACWA Emerging Contaminants Karin North; Melody LaBella
  4. CASA State Legislative Committee Lori Schectel
  5. CASA Regulatory Workgroup Lorien Fono; Mary Cousins
  6. RMP Microplastics Liaison Artem Dyachenko
  7. Bay Area Regional Reliability Project Jackie Zipkin
  8. WateReuse Working Group Cheryl Munoz
  9. San Francisco Estuary Partnership Lorien Fono; Jackie Zipkin
  10. CPSC Policy Education Advisory Committee Colleen Henry
  11. California Ocean Protection Council Lorien Fono
  12. Countywide Water Reuse Master Plan Karin North, Pedro Hernandez
  13. CHARG – Coastal Hazards Adaptation Resiliency Group Jackie Zipkin
  14. California Water Quality Monitoring Council Lorien Fono                      

28           SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS                                    

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for February 16, 2024 at EBMUD, Orinda Watershed HQ