May 21, 2021 BACWA Executive Board Meeting Agenda

BACWA Executive Board Meeting


Friday May 21, 2021 9:00am – 12:30pm (PDT)

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Agenda Item                      

ROLL CALL, INTRODUCTIONS, AND TELECONFERENCE ETIQUETTE                                                         

PUBLIC COMMENT                                      

CONSIDERATION TO TAKE AGENDA ITEMS OUT OF ORDER                                                       


CONSENT CALENDAR                                                 

1             April 16, 2021 BACWA Executive Board meeting minutes                                          

2             April 27, 2021 NST meeting minutes                                    

3             March 2021 Treasurer’s Reports                                           


APPROVALS AND AUTHORIZATIONS                                                   

4             Approval: BACWA Chair and Vice-Chair for FY22                                            

5             Approval: BACWA Staff contract amendments                                

6             Authorization: EDAR Stephanie Hughes $1,500 FY21 contract increase, Amendment #3                         

7             Authorization: EDAR for SGA $3,000 FY21 contract increase, Amendment #2                                   

8             Approval: BAR for Legal and IT support FY22                                    

9             Approval: Amendment #2 for Carollo Engineers FY22 AIR committee support                                  

10           Approval: Amendment #4 for Stephanie Hughes for FY22 BAPPG support                                         

11           Approval: Livermore membership miscategorization reimbursement                    



12           Informational: Update on BAPPG Pesticides support and collaboration                               

13           Discussion:  Nutrients                                 

  1. Regulatory                                 
  2. NST meeting agenda and recap                                         
  3. HDR Data Analysis update
  4. Technical Work                                       
  5. NTW Debrief Link to NTW materials                  
  6. Modeling uncertainty webinar debrief and May 28 workshop               

               iii. Assessment Framework Update – Deep Subtidal                                      

  1. NMS Reviewer for FY22
  2. Governance Structure
  3. April 23, 2021 PSC Meeting Notes

14           Discussion: SSS WDR – debrief from discussions with SWB staff                               

               BREAK (10min)           10:30 AM                        

15           Discussion: Engagement with Air District – Comments on Regulation 2                                

16           Discussion: RMP funding levels for FY22                                            

17           Discussion: Alternative monitoring/CEC funding model and cost sharing                                            

18           Discussion: Triennial review – BACWA engagement                                      

19           Discussion: Comments on DWR draft Water Use Targets                                           

20           Discussion: Collaboration with Sonoma County Land trust and BABC on biosolids white paper      

21           Discussion: Draft agenda for meeting with Water Board                                            



22           Discussion: Annual meeting date for 2022 – Feb 10                                       

23           Informational: Update on FY22 BACC Bid                                          

24           Discussion: BayCAN support for FY22                                  

25           Discussion: Lab committee request for TNI Training Support                                    

26           Discussion: Agencies’ reconstitution plans and impact on future BACWA meetings                                            



27           Committee Reports                                     

28           Member highlights                                      

29           Executive Director Report                                         

30           Board Calendar and Action Items                                          

31           Regulatory Program Manager Report                                  

32           Other BACWA Representative Reports                                

  1. RMP Technical Committee Mary Lou Esparza, Yuyun Shang, Samantha Engelage                           
  2. RMP Steering Committee Karin North; Amanda Roa; Eric Dunlavey                           
  3. Summit Partners Lorien Fono; Lori Schectel                         
  4. ASC/SFEI Lorien Fono; Eileen White                          
  5. Nutrient Governance Steering Committee Eric Dunlavey; Eileen White; Lori Schectel                            

               e.i  Nutrient Planning Subgroup Eric Dunlavey                  

               e.ii NMS Technical Workgroup   Eric Dunlavey                  

  1. SWRCB Nutrient SAG Lorien Fono
  2. NACWA Taskforce on Dental Amalgam Tim Potter                        
  3. BAIRWMP Cheryl Munoz; Florence Wedington                      
  4. NACWA Emerging Contaminants Karin North; Melody LaBella                     
  5. CASA State Legislative Committee Lori Schectel                    
  6. CASA Regulatory Workgroup Lorien Fono; Mary Cousins
  7. ReNUWIt Jackie Zipkin; Karin North                          
  8. ReNUWIt One Water Jackie Zipkin, Eric Hansen                          
  9. RMP Microplastics Liaison Artem Dyachenko                         
  10. Bay Area Regional Reliability Project Eileen White
  11. WateReuse Working Group Cheryl Munoz                  
  12. San Francisco Estuary Partnership Eileen White; Lorien Fono                         
  13. CPSC Policy Education Advisory Committee Colleen Henry                  
  14. California Ocean Protection Council Lorien Fono                      
  15. Countywide Water Reuse Master Plan Karin North, Pedro Hernandez                 
  16. CHARG – Coastal Hazards Adaptation Resiliency Group Jackie Zipkin                    


33           SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS                                    


NEXT MEETING                                             

The next  meeting of the Board is scheduled for June 18, 2021                                               


ADJOURNMENT                                             12:30 PM