Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group
The Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group (BAPPG) supports a Bay-wide pollution prevention program in cooperation with storm water management partners. It develops a public education and information program directed to the public on how to prevent pollution through individual housekeeping practices, which includes
the Baywise website. BAPPG provides a forum for information exchanges, sharing and regional projects.
General meetings are held from 10:00 am to noon the 1st Wednesday of February, April, June, August, October, and December.
Steering Committee meetings are held monthly, usually at 9 am on the 1st Wednesday of each month. The steering committee tracks budget, coordinates development of outreach materials and reports, plans general meetings, and guides consultant-supported activities such as public and professional outreach. All members are welcome to attend!
Pesticides Committee meetings are also held monthly, typically at 10 am on the second Tuesday of the month. The pesticides committee tracks regulatory and scientific developments related to pesticides in wastewater, engages with regulators such as the California Department of Pesticides Regulation and USEPA, and develops outreach materials for member use. All members are welcome to attend!
To join BAPPG, fill in the form at the bottom of this page, email BACWA staff or request to join through the BAPPG Email List.
Next BAPPG Meeting
Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group (BAPPG) Meeting
April 2 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
BAPPG - Presentations
View AllBay Area Pollution Prevention Group Members
Committee Co-Chairs: Autumn Ross (SFPUC) and Robert Wilson (Santa Rosa)
Vice-Chair: Joe Neugebauer (WCWD)
- City of American Canyon
- City of Benicia
- City of Burlingame
- City of Calistoga
- Central Contra Costa Sanitation District
- Central Marin Sanitation Agency
- Delta Diablo
- Dublin San Ramon Services District
- East Bay Municipal Utility District
- Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District
- City of Hayward
- Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District
- City of Livermore
- Marin County Sanitary District No. 5
- City of Millbrae
- Mountain View Sanitary District
- Napa Sanitation District
- North San Mateo County Sanitation District
- Novato Sanitary District
- City of Pacifica
- City of Palo Alto
Participants (cont’d):
- City of Petaluma
- City of Pinole
- Regional San (Sacramento)
- Rodeo Sanitary District
- City of Richmond
- St. Helena
- City and County of San Francisco
- City of San Jose
- City of San Leandro
- City of San Mateo
- City of Santa Rosa
- Sausalito Marin City Sanitary District
- Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside
- Sewerage Agency of Southern Marin
- Silicon Valley Clean Water
- City of South San Francisco
- Sonoma County Water Agency
- City of Sunnyvale
- Union Sanitary District
- City of Vacaville
- Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District
- West County Wastewater District
- City of Yountville
Additional resources for members are listed below.