Collection Systems Committee Meeting

Central San - Collection Systems Operations Facility 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, CA, United States

The meeting will take place at Central San's Walnut Creek yard. For additional details, contact Mary Cousins.

Asset Management Committee Meeting

Save the Date - Agenda to follow For virtual meeting information or to join the Asset Management committee, email

AIR Committee Meeting

This quarterly meeting of the BACWA AIR Committee will be held on Microsoft Teams. For meeting information, please contact Ray David or Courtney Mizutani.

BACWA Executive Board Meeting

An agenda will be posted on a few days before the meeting.   Location: SFPUC 525 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, CA 94102 Hetch Hetchy Room - 13th Floor

Recycled Water Committee Meeting

This virtual meeting will be held on MS Teams.  For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.