AIR Committee Meeting
This meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams. For meeting information, please contact Sarah Deslauriers or Courtney Mizutani.
BACWA Executive Board Meeting
tbdAgenda & Packet will be posted on the website. Meeting location: Hetch Hetchy Conference Room, 13th Floor 525 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 To attend the meeting via zoom or submit a public comment, please see meeting guidelines:
NST Meeting
tbdAgenda & Packet will be posted on the website. Meeting location: Hetch Hetchy Conference Room, 13th Floor 525 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 To attend the meeting via zoom or submit a public comment, please see meeting guidelines:
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
This virtual meeting will be held on Zoom. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
BACWA Executive Board Meeting
tbdAn agenda will be posted a few days before the meeting. Location: EBMUD Downtown, Admin Bldg, Small Training Room 2nd Floor. To attend the meeting via zoom or submit a public comment, please see meeting guidelines:
NST Meeting
tbdAn agenda will be posted a few days before the meeting. Location: EBMUD Downtown, Admin Bldg, Small Training Room 2nd Floor. To attend the meeting via zoom or submit a public comment, please see meeting guidelines:
BAPPG Committee Meeting
This meeting will be conducted through the Zoom platform. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Collection Systems Committee Meeting
The meeting will take place on Zoom. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Laboratory Committee Meeting
For meeting information, email
Pretreatment Committee Meeting
EBMUD Headquarters, 2nd Floor Large Training Room 375 11th St. , Oakland, CA, United StatesBACWA Pretreatment Committee Meeting For Agenda and Zoom meeting information, please email Attendees are encouraged to take BART (1 block from the 12th Street station if you exit at 11th and Broadway) or park in one of the nearby garages (note: EBMUD is unable to provide parking in its garage for meeting attendees). Nearby […]
Asset Management Committee Meeting
Save the Date - Agenda to follow For Zoom meeting information or to join the Asset Management committee, email
BACWA Executive Board Meeting
tbdAn agenda will be posted a few days before the meeting. Location EBMUD Orinda Watershed, 500 San Pablo Dam Rd, Orinda CA, 94563. To attend the meeting via zoom or submit a public comment, please see meeting guidelines: