NST Meeting
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Office 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA, United StatesTo attend the meeting via zoom or submit a public comment, please see meeting guidelines: https://bacwa.org/general/bacwa-public-comments-guidelines/
AIR Committee Meeting
This meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams. For meeting information, please contact Ray David or Courtney Mizutani.
BAPPG Committee Meeting
This meeting will be conducted through the Zoom platform. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Lab Committee – TNI Training Session
This training session on implementing the 2016 TNI Standard is free for BACWA members. Attendees must have access to a valid copy of the 2016 TNI standard, Rev 2.1. Training is provided by Diane Lawver of Quality Assurance Solutions, LLC. For more information or to obtain a link to the meeting, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
This virtual meeting will be held in-person, with a hybrid option available through Zoom. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
BACWA Executive Board Meeting
SFPUC, Hetch Hetchy Room, 13th Floor 525 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco, CA, United StatesAn agenda will be posted on a few days before the meeting. To attend the meeting via Zoom or submit a public comment, please see meeting guidelines: https://bacwa.org/general/bacwa-public-comments-guidelines/
NST Meeting
SFPUC, Hetch Hetchy Room, 13th Floor 525 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco, CA, United StatesAn agenda will be posted on a few days before the meeting. To attend the meeting via Zoom or submit a public comment, please see meeting guidelines: https://bacwa.org/general/bacwa-public-comments-guidelines/
Laboratory Committee Meeting
For meeting information, email mcousins@bacwa.org
Permits Committee Meeting
For meeting information, email mcousins@bacwa.org
BACWA 2024 Annual Meeting
David Brower Center 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA, United StatesInformation about BACWA's 2024 Annual Members Meeting Register Here by Wednesday, April 24th
Collection Systems Committee Meeting
The meeting will take place on Zoom or in-person. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
AIR Committee Meeting
This meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams. For meeting information, please contact Sarah Deslauriers or Courtney Mizutani.