Recycled Water Committee Meeting

Default meeting location is Zoom. In-person meeting option TBD. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.  

Understanding your NPDES Permit (Special Permits Committee Training Session)

For Zoom meeting information, email This session will cover the basics of NPDES permitting, with the goal of making it easier for you to understand and comply with your individual NPDES wastewater discharge permit. The session will include a discussion of the laws and regulations governing NPDES permits, including the Porter-Cologne Act and Clean Water […]

BAPPG Committee Meeting

This meeting may be conducted by Zoom or in-person. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.

Collection Systems Committee Meeting

Default meeting location is Zoom. In-person meeting option TBD. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.  

Lab Committee – TNI Monthly Training Session

This monthly training session on implementing the 2016 TNI Standard is free for BACWA members. Attendees must have access to a valid copy of the 2016 TNI standard, Rev 2.1. Training is provided by Diane Lawver of Quality Assurance Solutions, LLC. For more information or to obtain a link to the meeting, contact Nicole Van […]

BACWA Executive Board Meeting

Agenda & Packet will be posted on the website. To attend the meeting of submit a public comment, please see meeting guidelines:

Roundtable on Sea Level Rise Planning

Join your fellow BACWA agencies for a virtual roundtable discussion on adapting to sea level rise, extreme precipitation, and associated flood risks. Please plan to share: Partners - Who are you collaborating with? Process - What does the adaptation planning process look like at your agency?  Where are you finding useful guidance? What are you […]

Asset Management Committee Meeting

Meeting topic: Condition Assessment For Zoom meeting information or to join the Asset Management committee, email

AIR Committee Meeting

This meeting will be held on Microsoft Teams. For meeting information, please contact Sarah Deslauriers or Courtney Mizutani.

Lab Committee – TNI Monthly Training Session

This monthly training session on implementing the 2016 TNI Standard is free for BACWA members. Attendees must have access to a valid copy of the 2016 TNI standard, Rev 2.1. Training is provided by Diane Lawver of Quality Assurance Solutions, LLC. For more information or to obtain a link to the meeting, contact Nicole Van […]