BACWA Recycled Water Committee Meeting
Online MeetingBACWA Recycled Water Committee Meeting Tue, Sep 15, 2020 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM (PDT) Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone: (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 451-580-173 One-touch: +14086503123,,451580173#
BACWA Recycled Water Committee Meeting
Online MeetingBACWA Recycled Water Committee Meeting Tues, November 17, 2020 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM (PDT) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 939 1005 6572 Passcode: 812181 One tap mobile +16699009128,,93910056572#,,,,,,0#,,812181# US (San Jose) +12532158782,,93910056572#,,,,,,0#,,812181# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 […]
BACWA Recycled Water Committee Meeting
This meeting will be conducted by Zoom only (no in-person option). For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
This meeting will be conducted by Zoom only (no in-person option). For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
Meeting agenda to follow. This meeting will be conducted by Zoom only (no in-person option). For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
Meeting agenda to follow. Meeting location (TBD) will be either the EBMUD Small Training room (375 11th Street, Oakland, 2nd Floor) and/or Zoom. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
The meeting will be conducted virtually by Zoom. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
Meeting agenda to follow. Meeting location (TBD) will be either the EBMUD Small Training room (375 11th Street, Oakland, 2nd Floor) and/or Zoom. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
Default meeting location is Zoom. In-person meeting option TBD. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
Default meeting location is Zoom. In-person meeting option TBD. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
Default meeting location is Zoom. In-person meeting option TBD. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.
Recycled Water Committee Meeting
Default meeting location is Zoom. In-person meeting option TBD. For agenda and virtual meeting link, contact Mary Cousins.