BACWA Committees
Air Issues and Regulations Committee (AIR)
Develop, analyze and distribute scientific information regarding air pollution issues related to operation and maintenance of publicly owned treatment works.
Asset Management Committee
Share information among member agency asset management and capital planning staff.
Bay Area Pollution Prevention Group (BAPPG)
Develop Bay-wide pollution prevention program in cooperation with the stormwater agencies partners, develop public education and information program directed to the public on how to prevent pollution through individual housekeeping practices. BAPPG provides a forum for information exchanges, sharing and regional projects.
Biosolids Committee (on hiatus)
Provides proactive support to BACWA agencies on regional biosolids issues, projects and proposed regulations and legislation. This includes support for the development and maintenance of cost-effective, sustainable biosolids management options for San Francisco Bay Area agencies.
Collection Systems Committee (CS)
Serves as the focal point for dealing with regulatory issues and actions related to collection systems. The Committee also is a mechanism for sharing collection systems information among agencies.
Laboratory Committee
Current scientific and technical information as it relates to actual water quality of the Bay estuary; information related to analytical methods and protocols; participation in San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) and other scientific and technical efforts on behalf of BACWA.
Operations & Maintenance Committee
Shares information and among member agency operations and maintenance managers. Facility tours are typically part of the committee’s meetings.
Permits Committee
Develop and distribute information about current discharge permits for POTWs, develop technical, economic, financial and scientific information about permit issues and participate in forums with state, EPA and other organizations.
Pretreatment Committee
The committee is a mechanism for sharing pretreatment program information among agencies.
Recycled Water Committee
Dedicated to promoting and developing water recycling in order to protect the environment, develop reliable water supply and to sustain our economic viability in the Bay region.